Minggu, 28 April 2013

Airpwn Installation on Backtrack 5 / 5R1

Airpwn Installation on Backtrack 5 / 5R1

Airpwn adalah sebuah framework untuk wireless packet injection. Airpwn mendengarkan pada wireless packet yang berada di udara dan mencocokkan dengan pola yang telah ditentukan pada konfigurasi file lalu menginjeksikan konten yang telah dimodifikasi oleh penyerang sehingga seolah-olah berasal dari akses poin.
  • Wireless card yang support monitor mode dan packet injection
Dependencies: Steps to install:
Spoiler for download dan extract airpwn:
wget http://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/project/airpwn/airpwn/1.4/airpwn-1.4.tgz
tar xzvf airpwn-1.4.tgz
cd airpwn-1.4/
Spoiler for install LORCON (masih didalam direktori airpwn-1.4):

tar xzvf lorcon-cuurrent.tgz
nano /usr/include/linux/wireless.h
cari string
tambahkan dibawahnya
#include <linux/if.h>
save lalu masuk ke direktori lorcon
cd lorcon/
make install
Spoiler for install airpwn(masih didalam direktori lorcon:
cd ..
make install
Test Drive: :D
Spoiler for test drive packet injection:

root@bt:~# airmon-ng stop wlan0
root@bt:~# airmon-ng start wlan0 11
root@bt:~# aireplay-ng --test mon0
15:06:21 Trying broadcast probe requests...
15:06:21 Injection is working!
15:06:22 Found 1 AP

15:06:22 Trying directed probe requests...
15:06:22 00:08:9F:80:8B:37 - channel: 11 - 'Keloran Ceria'
15:06:22 Ping (min/avg/max): 0.779ms/2.176ms/4.507ms Power: -38.90
15:06:22 30/30: 100%

Spoiler for Airpwn session :D:

root@bt:~# airpwn -h
usage: airpwn -c <conf file> -d <driver name> [interface options] [options]
<conf file> : configuration file
<driver name> : supported wireless driver name

Interface options:
You can use -i to set all 3 interfaces at once, or use the
other options to set each interface individually.
-i <iface> : sets the listen/control/inject interface
-M <iface> : sets the listen (monitor) interface
-C <iface> : sets the control interface
-I <iface> : sets the injection interface

Optional arguments:
-l <logfile> : log verbose data to a file
-f <filter> : bpf filter for libpcap
-F : assume no FCS values from the monitored interface
-m <max> : Specify the maximum data chunk size (MTU - headers)
-k <WEP key>: key to use to de/encrypt WEP packets. You can
use this option multiple times to specify multiple WEP keys.
-v : increase verbosity (can be used multiple times)
-h : get help (this stuff)

Supported drivers are: wlan-ng hostap airjack prism54 madwifing madwifiold rtl8180 rt2570 rt2500 rt73 rt61 zd1211rw bcm43xx mac80211
root@bt:~# airpwn -c testconf -d iwl4965 -i mon0 -vvv
Parsing configuration file..
Opening command socket..
Opening monitor socket..
Opening injection socket..
LORCON - tx80211_setmode(...) is deprecated, please use tx80211_setfunctionalmode(...) instead
Listening for packets...
Channel changing thread starting..
data packet len: 1286, flags: 17 --> DS
Matched pattern for conf 'greet_html'
wrote 256 bytes to the wire(less)
[15:18:28] injecting data for conf 'greet_html' <--- BINGO!
Spoiler for pic hape Palm Treo Pro WM6.1:

Maaf gambarnya burem banget. soalnya cuman pake webcam laptop
buat yg dapet error
airpwn: error while loading shared libraries: liborcon-1.0.0.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
silahkan ikutin langkah dibawah ini.
Originally Posted by ubiqcx View Post
sekedar menambahkan, ane coba step by step tuts diatas. Compile berhasil hanya saja pada saat menjalankan :
# airpwn 
airpwn: error while loading shared libraries: liborcon-1.0.0.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Solusi :
# ln -s /usr/local/lib/liborcon* /usr/lib
semoga berguna
more googling to do

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